Village Publications

Braishfield Village News

Published every other month by the Braishfield Village Association and distributed free to every dwelling in Braishfield and the surrounding hamlets (approximately 320 households). A postal subscription is offered to those outside the distribution area. Printing and distribution costs are reliant on local advertisers and villagers’ donations. It is also published in colour on this website click here. This is the only parish magazine and publishes news, announcements, Parish Council reports, interesting articles and reports of the various activities and views of the villagers. All are asked to contribute as the strength of this magazine depends mainly on contributions from villagers
For past copies visit the webpage BVA

Contact: The Editor, Wendy Dolby-Stevens 368119 or

Church News and Diary

Produced bi-monthly by All Saints and United Reformed Churches and distributed with the Braishfield News. Lists details of Church Services.
For All Saints Benefice service list click here

Contact: Benefice Office

Five Alive

Produced monthly by The United Benefice of Braishfield for the Parishes of Michelmersh, Awbridge, Braishfield, Timsbury and Farley Chamberlayne.
For latest copy click here

Contact: Sarah Boothman 878020 or Benefice Office

Braishfield Memories

A Millennium Project consisting of a collection of memories, photographs and articles on Braishfield Village life. The book was published in November 2003.Whilst new copies are no longer available to purchase some become available if owners move or decide to sell their books.

Times of War and My Elderly Parents

Two publications by Olivia Adams, set in and around Braishfield.
Available on Amazon.

The Braishfield Village Design Statement

The Village Design Statement records the essential character of Braishfield in the opinion of its residents. It has helped us see the beauty of our village more clearly, and it remains valid today. The recommendations aim to conserve the special qualities of the village and they should be consulted by anyone proposing to make any changes in the village. The VDS was revised in 2022 and has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance and the Statement forms part of the Borough Council’s Planning policy for the village.
The VDS can be downloaded here: Braishfield VDS
For further information on Supplementary Planning Guidance please call 01264 368000 or
e-mail the Test Valley Planning Policy Team at

The Bugle Sounded and War Memorial

Commemoration booklet of the Fallen from Braishfield and Farley Chamberlayne in Two World Wars.

Contact: BVA Secretary or download a copy The Bugle Sounded

In addition further details on the War Memorial names can be found in this document by John Rhodes: war memorial

Braishfield Residents Guide

To print the current version see here. 
