Aims and objectives of the Association
1. To provide an Information Service for residents.
2. To support our village committees.
3. To initiate support and/or contribute to village events.
4. To facilitate the Parish Council in informing the residents of Braishfield of any proposed devel–
opment or significant change in or around the village.
5. To monitor the effectiveness of village services and amenities and bring any shortfalls to the
notice of the appropriate authorities, and where appropriate, put in place or recommend im–
Information Service
The BVA will:
1. Publish and distribute the Braishfield Village News (BVN) to all residents.
2. Maintain and when required, upgrade the Braishfield Village Website.
3. Update and publish the printed Residents Guide and make the most recent edition available
on the website.
4. Manage the Braishfield E’mail Network in accordance with GDPR guidelines.
5. When advised of the arrival of a new resident, the BVA will provide the household with a Resi–
dents Pack to include the latest copy of the Residents Guide, the latest copy of the BVN and a
request form to join the network.
1. Policies. The Committee will ensure that it maintains policies to meet all statutory obligations
1. Accounting.
2. General Data Protection Register including Privacy notice.
3. Village E’mail Policy.
2. Membership
1. All residents of the Parish are members of the Braishfield Village Association and also, at
the discretion of the committee, those living outside the Parish boundary who look to
Braishfield as their village centre.
2. All members (except those living outside the Parish boundary) over the age of sixteen,
have the right to vote in the affairs of the Association.
3. In the event of the Association being wound up, any funds are to be passed on to the
Parish Council or its successor for its discretionary use for the benefit of the village.
3. Subscriptions (non-parish residents)
1. There is currently no subscription to be a member of the Association or to receive the pub–
lications of the BVA if you reside in the Parish. However, if you live outside the Parish and
wish to receive the Village News, payment can be made to Braishfield Village Association,
through our Treasurer, by standing order mandate (downloadable on the BVA page of the
website or BACS transfer). Cheques can also be sent to the Treasurer whose details are
also on the website. Subscription charges are detailed on the website.
4. Meetings
1. Annual General Meeting.
1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as practical after the financial year
2. The Association members shall be given three weeks notice of the date of the Annual
General Meeting by all appropriate methods of communication.
3. Submissions for inclusion in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting must be noti–
fied to the Secretary, no later than fourteen days prior to the meeting.
4. Nominations for inclusion on the voting papers should be submitted in writing to the
Secretary and must be signed by the Proposer, Seconder and Nominee.
5. Voting papers for election to the Committee will show the names of known nominees
but nominees may be added from the floor at the Annual General Meeting, providing
the Nominee is present.
6. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of a
maximum of ten members.
7. The working quorum of the Annual General Meeting shall be 20 voting members, in–
cluding Committee members and officers of the Association.
2. Committee Meetings
1. The Committee shall elect the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor of the News
and the Web Editor from among their number at the first Committee meeting to be held
after the Annual General Meeting.
2. The Committee may co-opt an Honorary Secretary and/or Treasurer should the re–
quired skills not be available among the elected members.
3. The Committee may co-opt a member following the resignation of an elected member
for the period up to the next Annual General Meeting, or, in exceptional circumstances,
up to an Extra-Ordinary Meeting called for the purpose of election of Committee mem–
bers. Such a circumstance will arise if four or more members of the Committee resign,
following which it is required that an Extra Ordinary Meeting be called to elect a num–
ber to the Committee equal to the number who have resigned.
4. The working quorum of the Association Committee shall be five elected members.
5. At least six Committee meetings shall be held each year.
3. Extra-Ordinary Meetings
1. The purpose of such meetings is to discuss matters of urgent importance to the village
or in the running of the Association.
2. An Extra-Ordinary Meeting may be called at any time at the request of either twenty
five voting members of the Association, or of the Committee, at seven days notice.
3. Members of the Association will be informed of the meeting by all appropriate methods
of communication.
4. Open Meetings
1. The purpose of such meetings is to allow the discussion of topics of local interest or to
invite outside speakers.
2. An Open Meeting may be held at any time on the application of twenty five voting
members of the Association.
3. Application should be made to the Secretary and the meeting shall be held within
twenty eight days of the Committee meeting following the application.
4. Members of the Association will be informed of the meeting by all appropriate methods
of communication.
5. Constitution Change
1. Any proposed alteration to the Constitution of the Association must be submitted in
writing to the Secretary, a minimum of fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meet–
ing, or at the time of application for an Extra Ordinary Meeting.
2. Any change to the Constitution approved at an Annual General Meeting or an an Extra
Ordinary Meeting shall become effective immediately.