Braishfield Football Club
Braishfield Football Club plays on the Recreation Ground, formed in 1907, making it one of the oldest clubs in the county, and one of the oldest strictly amateur clubs in England. They currently have two adult men’s teams, who play on Saturday afternoons in the Southampton Football League. The Club has a new pavilion at the primary school end of the Recreation Ground which is also used as a community building by the wider community.Ground which is also used as a community building by the wider community.
More information and fixtures can be found on the Club website at
Contacts: Club Chairman Kevin Hitchcock 07583 171749
Braishfield Bees Football
Braishfield Bees are the junior section of Braishfield Football Club whose home ground is The Recreation Ground, Braishfield. The club caters for age groups Under 8 to Under 16, all age groups have a dedicated management team with at least 1 FA qualified coach per age group with teams playing in the top Divisions of the Testway Youth Football League (TWYFL) playing on Saturday mornings.
The club are keen to welcome boys and girls into their teams, we are also amongst the most progressive in the area and every year send at least one age group on a subsidised European Tour.
More information and fixtures can be found on the Club website at:
To contact a club member, please send an email to: [email protected]
Braishfield Cricket Club
A Social Cricket Club playing against local teams on the pitch in Dummers Road and on tours. Sundays 2.30pm, 20-30 matches per season including some weekday evening games. All ages and standards welcome.
Contact: Geoff Briggs,Social Secretary 367874
Andy Briggs (Captain) [email protected]
Trim Trail
For basic fitness this 12 station exercise equipment on the Recreation Ground is available all year round for both Adults and Children.
Ultimate Frisby
Since the late 1990s played in Braishfield, from ages 16 to 60. If you are reasonably fit , want to get fitter and think you can throw and catch a Frisbee, join in. Tuition given, rules are simple (similar to basketball except throwing a Frisbee ). Learn trick throws over time. All you need are trainers /old tee shirt/ track suit joggers. Every Sunday evening from Easter on Braishfield Recreation ground. 6pm until 8pm rain or dry. Embley Park Astro in winter months.
Big in the USA and Braishfield! Check it out on You Tube. Just turn up or for more info see Facebook “ Braishfield Ultimate”
See more: Ultimate Frisbee
Contact: Malcolm Baker 07805 255413 or [email protected]
Short Tennis
We meet Tues, Wed and Friday mornings, from 9.30 until 11 with a coffee break. A friendly group who play for exercise and enjoyment, no previous experience is necessary. It is played on the badminton court with short raquets and a sponge ball. Very good exercise!
Contact: Nicky Smith 368613.
Table Tennis
Group meets on Thursday evenings from 7pm – 9pm in the Social Club.
Contact: Jane Bennett 368109 or [email protected]
There are several beautiful country walks on established footpaths in and around the village. Please observe the country code at all times. Ian Knights is the footpaths representative for the Parish Council. A useful footpath map is Ordnance Survey Explorer 131.
See also the sketch map and details on the Footpaths page of this web-site
If you experience any issues with the footpaths please contact: Ian Knights.
Braishfield Cycling Club
Cyclists of middle ability welcome to join in, no fees, officials or club rules!
Generally road bikes 9am Sundays all year and 7 pm Tuesday evenings, set
off from Braishfield (war memorial area) for 30-60 mile rides with occasional
sportive events. As a guide rides would suit riders averaging 17mph plus.
MTBs in winter for Tuesday night fun riding or if it’s raining.
Contact: Malcolm Baker, 368579 or [email protected]
Southampton CTC Cycling Group
Tge easy and more challenging rides meet at the Co-op shop at Abbotswood. The very easy rides start at the Pantry in Braishfield and are part of a new local group run by Viv Mackay. See for more details. For easy rides see and for more challenging rides see
Contact Viv Mackay and if necessary she will pass it on to the right folk. [email protected] Tel: 01794 368207.
Braishfield Golf Society
Formed in 2012 and already with a membership of over 30, the Society is for
golfers in the Village and friends to enjoy golf on local courses mainly in the
summer months. All standards welcome and handicaps not necessary.
Contact: Richard Brazier 368414 or [email protected]
Romsey Road Runners
See website:
Steady and Strong
The Hampshire ‘Steady & Strong’ community exercise programme is designed to help older people regain and maintain strength, balance and coordination. Through being active, the chances of keeping mobile, staying independent and preventing falls are significantly increased. Active people are more likely to have better mood, be less anxious, have better memory, sleep better and have more social contacts. Please see: teady and Strong
The group meets weekly in Village Hall on a Tuesday from 1.15 to 2.15
For further information or to enquire about available spaces in the class, contact: Jenny Pawson 07845 530855
Ganger Farm Sports Park
A high quality, spacious, new facility for Romsey comprising lots of sports
pitches located on Ganger Farm Way, just off Jermyns Lane.
See their website for details:
Ganger Farm Parkrun
A free, fun and friendly 5k community run every Saturday 9.00 a.m.
Test Valley Health Walks
We meet in the Village Hall car park every Tuesday morning in time to set off
at 10am for an hour’s walk followed by refreshments at the Pantry.
On the last Tuesday of each month, a number of us move on from the Pantry
to lunch at the Wheatsheaf.
The scheme is a very simple one.Just turn up and report to the walk leader
with a clipboard. More details can be found on the TVBC