This is a consultative network, which the BVA and PC will use:
• To facilitate the Parish Council in advising villagers of significant developments that will impact on the village.
• To advise villagers of important events and changes to advertised services.
Please note:
• Individual views or comments will not be circulated. The BVA Committee reserve the right to decline to circulate contributions at their discretion.
• For the purposes of GDPR, the Network administrator will not share your email address with any third parties. All Network emails will be sent Bcc, your email address will not be visible.
• Villagers may unsubscribe at anytime by emailing the Network manager at [email protected] and their email address will be deleted from the Network database.
To join the network please either fill in the online form here or email braishfield[email protected] giving your name, email address and, if you live outside the village, your reason for wanting to join.
For reference, currently the email network may be used for:
1. Any established village society or organisation can use it to promote a village related event, examples include BVA, Pantry, Village Hall, Flower Arranging, Garden Club, Church Room, Churches, School etc.
2. Any Parish Council requests (including Memorial and Recreation Ground), especially agendas and minutes of PC meetings.
3. Police alerts.
In addition:
4. Lost and Found and the Countryside Code which both provide a service to the village.
5. The Fish and Chip Van and Pizza man, have an arrangement with the Parish Council so they are both permitted.
Not permitted:
1. Advertising goods, services, etc (but see point 5 above)*
2. Promotion of any individual’s point of view.
3. Any political related activity or views.
For information, the footnote to all emails currently reads:
“You have received this email because you have signed up to the Braishfield Village Network. Whilst it is circulated by the Braishfield Village Association (BVA), the message itself may originate from elsewhere and may not express the view of the BVA. The intention of the email Network is to: advise villagers of important events and changes to advertised services; facilitate the Parish Council in advising villagers of significant developments that will impact on the village; and share news that may be of general interest. Please note that individual views or comments will not be circulated and the committee reserves the right to decline to circulate contributions at their discretion. Please do not reply to Network emails as your reply will not be received by the originator. Instead, please contact the organisation or individual identified as the originator. For the purposes of GDPR, all emails will be sent Bcc, meaning that your email address will not be visible to other recipients. Your email address will be stored on a secure mailing list accessible only to the Network Administrator. Your email address will not be shared with third parties, used for other purposes or stored for longer than required. If you no longer wish to receive emails from the Braishfield Village Network, please send an email to [email protected] stating that you wish to be removed from the mailing list. Your address will be permanently and immediately removed. Please update the Network Administrator of changes to your email address or a new email address to ensure that accurate and up to date records are kept.”
Agreed and adopted by the BVA Committee May 2021. This document may be reviewed annually.