Community web-site of:
Braishfield, Hampshire

Village Information

Braishfield population is around 700 with about 320 dwellings.
The Parliamentary Constituency is Romsey and Southampton North.
The polling station is normally at the Village Hall.
The current Member of Parliament is Caroline Nokes,
The Hampshire County Council Division is Baddesley and the current member is Alan Dowden,
The Test Valley Borough Council Ward is Ampfield and Braishfield and the current member is Martin Hatley,
Braishfield has its own officially adopted village flag, an oak tree motif in green on a light blue background as represented above.

Please select the following links for further village information

Village History
Footpaths - a guide
Braishfield Tapestry
Then and Now

Whilst all effort is made as to the accuracy of the information within the web-site the Braishfield Village Association does not accept any responsibility for errors/omissions

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